ProProcess V5.1.0

ProProcess Release Notes Version V5.1.0 / Release Date 18. Sept. 2024

New and improved functions

Key Summary Description
BPF-765 Activity Reporting

With BPF 5.1 a new Activity Reporting is available.

Please see the user manual for more information: BPF Activity Reporting

BPF-770 Add process id to the process reporting selection screen as selection criteria

Add process id to the process reporting selection screen. (selection with * possible)
Add to all related widgets.

BPF-809 Smaller improvements in process reporting widgets.

In the process reporting widgets quick filters for Process ID and Process Description have been incorporated.

BPF-821 Task "simple process adjustment": smaller GUI improvements

The GUI Dialog for the Task “simple process adjustment” has been redesigned to optimize visual structuring of the activity / agents.

BPF-824 process reporting: new object type icon in object key column

In process reporting, the icon for the object type is now also displayed in the object key column.

BPF-826 Open activities widget for processes

A new widget displaying the open activities for a process is available. The available information is identical the the open activity reporting widgets.

Fixed bugs

Key Summary Description
BPF-793 ProProcess Reporting Application: Inconsistent Checks on User / Role

Pattern names are allowed but inconsisten checked. From now on only specific users/roles are allowed as selection criteria.

BPF-806 Runtime Process - Graphical Protocol: Included role shown for user

In the graphical display of a runtime process, the role of an agent of an activity is not the role assigned to the activity but the role where the user has been maintained, even if this is an role which as been included. This has been corrected. The role assigned to the activity is now displayed.


A runtime error "Uncaught Exception CX_SY_ITAB_LINE_NOT_FOUND" can occurr in class /PCH/CLA_BPF_MDL_RPRC_LIST Method LOAD_LAZY_INT. This has been corrected.

BPF-810 Process Reporting: Columns displaying object status information possibly empty

Columns showing object status data are not displayed, if not at least one other object field is displayed. This might also apply when adding these columns during via layout management. This has been corrected.

BPF-811 Activities in status "created" can be completed

An activity in status created usually means, that the corresponding process is in an erroneous state or that the workflow has not yet reached the activity. In both cases ist should not be possible to complete the activity.

This has been corrected.

BPF-816 Process Designer: Zoom via Mouse wheel can scale the whole view

When zooming using ctrl + mouse wheel and hovering over the “mini map” (or any other control) the whole view and not just the process graphic is zoomed. This can lead to an unusable UI. This has been corrected.

BPF-818 Missing invalidation of dynamic process adjustment data

Dynamic process adjustment data is not properly invalidated when required. This can lead to inconsistent behaviour when the same data is changed by multiple persons without leaving the transaction. This has been corrected.

BPF-819 Task "simple process adjustment" - Error "An unknown error has been occurred" when saving

When saving the dialog for the “simple process adjustment” task, the error message “An unknown error has been occurred” is shown if the Dialog contains an activatable task with at least one non changeable agent (User or role). This has been corrected.

BPF-820 Task "simple process adjustment" - Fix activated agent can be deactivated

The agent activation is sometimes not consistent with the activity activation and/or the customizing. This can happen when:

  • An agent which has been defined as “activated” in customizing can be deactivated after the corresponding activity has been deactivated and activated again.
  • The activity is initally deactivated but can be activated
  • Multiple agents are defined on an not replicatable activity.

This has been corrected.

BPF-822 Task "simple process adjustment": activation / deactivation of predefined agents via dialog not possible

The activation / deactivation of predefined agents is not possible in the "simple process adjustment" task when the activation shall be reverted to the original activation. Also deletions of added agents is not applied. This has been corrected.

BPF-825 Customizing consistency errors displayed in not changeable systems

In systems, in which customizing cannot be changed due to system settings (customizing and/or repository not changeable), error messages regaring the customizing setup are displayed. this has been corrected.

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