Overview Structure and Interface

Basic Structure

Application Areas

The following is an overview of the application areas (widgets) of an ProStructure application. In the following sections, their data, functions and also the interaction between these areas are described in detail.

Widget Areas


The data of the structure relation currently selected or to be created is entered, maintained and displayed here.


In this widget, structure relations are searched for and displayed according to predefined or user-specific selections entered.


For changing structure relations, items from the reference that are not built into the target are displayed in this widget.


The structure of the reference object entered in the structure relation is displayed here.


Display of the target structure. For changing structure relations, this is the structure and its data as it is applied to the SAP objects during the adjustment.


This widget displays messages from the following actions:

  • Messages from the structure comparison when loading a structure relation.

  • Messages when function Check defined target structure is executed.


If the defined target structure is applied to the SAP objects, defined checks are carried out first, followed by the structure maintenance. The errors from these actions are displayed here. The messages of the last adjustment are saved and also displayed in this widget after a new loading of a relation definition.


In the widget "Differences" the differences which are displayed in the reference and target structure widgets are summarized.


This is the ProFramework standard widget of relationships. In a ProStructure application, the following relationships are represented here:

  • Higher-level or continuing structure relationships.

  • Versions of a structure relationship.

  • Any original reference structure, e.g. the iPPE product structure.

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