Set Status Material Master Record

Set Status Material Master Record

The mass operation „set status" will set the material status in the respective tables of the material master records (MARA, MARC, MVKE) and if installed also writes ProConfiguration status log records.

Selection Screen

ATTENTION: The selection screen changes dynamically acc. the selected function.
If e.g.the selection option "Plant" will be shown for the function "Plant specific material status", or the selection options for "Sales Organization" and "Distribution Channel" will be shown for the function "Distr.chain spec. status".

Selection Parameter


Parameter Description


Parameter Description

Cross plant material status

Setting of x-plant material status (plant independent, material master table MARA).

Plant specific material status

Setting of plant specific material status (plant dependent, material master table, MARC).

Cross dist. chain status

Setting of cross distribution chain material status (independent of distribution chain, material master table MARA).

Distr. chain spec. status

Setting of cross distribution chain specific material status (dependent of distribution chain, material master table MVKE).


Search restriction by material number

Conf. Type

Search restriction by configuration type (ProConfiguration)

Material Type

Search restriction by material type

X-plant material status

Search restriction by current material status in material master record


Search restriction by processing scenario

Set status

The material status will only be set when this field is activated.

(…) status

New status to be set. Which status it is depends on the chosen function. An empty status (Initialisation/Deletion of the status) is not supported.

Write ProConfiguration status protocol

Set ProConfiguration values and the according status log record. If this marker is set, but the selected material is not a PProConfigurationRM material (= has no configuration type), then the program can only change the status in the material master. The other ProConfiguration related changes can't and won't be processed.

Def. log entry mat.

Specifies the ProConfiguration status log protocol entry (only changeable if not fixed in the ProConfiguration customizing).

Set processing scenario

The processing scenario will only be set when this field is activated.

ProConfiguration processing scenario

Processing scenario (ProConfiguration) to be set.

Set revision level

The revision level will only be set when this field is activated.

Revision level

Revision level to be set.

Set date element (incl. ProConfiguration objects)

The date element will only be set when this field is activated.


Date element to be set.

Set change number

The change number will only be set when this field is activated. The option is only available for the function „Cross plant material status".

Change number

Change number to be set. Works only if change number is initial!

Log file

When defining a file and root, all function messages will always be written in this file. For a valid file path, followed by an asterix (*), a standard name with date and time elements will be used.

Test mode

Test mode, no changes are written to the database, only displayed.

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