If an object has been selected to clone, other checks and actions will follow. They are described in the following paragraph.
Existing Objects
In case an object has been marked to clone in the post processing of a clone process, the user can select, whether a new copy shall be created or a copy which has been created earlier shall be used (see Continue Clone Process).
Multiple Used Objects
If any multiple used objects in the current structure is cloned or replaced, it can be set, if this shall be valid for all usages.
If all usages are replaced by the new object is indicated by the internal number or the replacement (column "New Object"). In this case, only the part tree of the originally marked lines can be edited.
Cloning in a Hierarchy
In a hierarchy all objects between two objects which shall be cloned must also be cloned. This is controlled by ProMassOperations. If the intermediate objects cannot be cloned, it is indicated.
If possible, the user must confirm the operation.
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