Container Layouts

The arrangement of the contents of a container is defined by the container layout. The layouts Flow, Fixed Flow, Flex Flow as well as Grid and Grid Lines are line-based layouts. This means that as soon as a sub-element is marked Insert in new line, it is displayed in a new line. An exception to this is the Dynamic Columns Layout, which automatically divides elements among the rows according to the available space.

If a fixed number of columns is specified for a grid or grid lines layout, a new line is also started as soon as this number of elements in a line is reached. It is not possible to display more elements in a row than columns are defined in a grid-based layout with a fixed number of columns. Columns can be defined using the "column" element type by inserting them as subelements in the container. Each column element represents one column in the layout. "Column" elements do not support a width specification in a grid-based layout and are not displayed otherwise, and accordingly do not support a heading.

The different container layouts are shown below:

D – Dynamic Columns

The Dynamic Columns option is intended for displaying two-column layouts on forms. In the Dynamic Columns layout, the sub-elements are displayed in two columns as long as the available space is sufficient for the display. If the available space is no longer sufficient for the two-column display, the individual elements are displayed one below the other. This allows a display that also adapts to small screens.

E – Flex Flow

In the Flex Flow layout, the elements always take up the maximum available space on the screen. The elements are divided proportionally to their lengths on the available area.


F – Flow

In the Flow layout, the individual elements are arranged one after the other (according to their length specifications).


X – Fixed Flow

In Fixed Flow layout, the first element has a fixed length, while all other elements are arranged one after the other according to their length setting. Fixed Flow layouts are particularly suitable for displaying input fields with identifiers.


G – Grid

In the Grid layout, the elements are displayed in a column-based (tabular) layout.


L – Grid Lines

The Grid Lines option differs from the Grid option only in that a horizontal line is inserted at the end of a table row for better visual separation.


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