Control Group Action

Which option will become active for which target object in the current state is defined by control groups. The control groups will then be assigned to the activation, which are the actual trigger for a MUD exchange process (see ).

Use in Data Package

Defines for which data packages the control group shall be used, for which objects the actions shall become active and which option groups shall be used.

Trigger Processing Scenario

When a change is started on a target object, it will trigger a ProConfiguration processing scenario for this object. This setting defines the Processing scenario used and can overwrite the option group to use.

Filter processing scenario for change

In case a usage is currently in changed or a change starts, a registered will be used. With this setting the MUD will only be used / replaced when:

  • Without entry, the settings from „Usage in data packages" concerning exchange and usage will be valid for all processing scenarios

  • With entry, the setting is valid only when this special processing scenario is active or is started.

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