Extension Technologies

Extension Technologies

The ProFramework offers extension possibilities with which the various components of the framework can be extended. In addition, due to the object-oriented architecture, it is also possible to derive and extend ProNovia standard objects in the customer namespace. Whenever possible, however, such derivations should be avoided, as they can become syntactically incorrect if incompatible changes are made to the source object.

General BAdIs

BAdIs are available for various objects. The extension possibilities are strongly dependent on the respective object. Many BAdIs have filters which should be used to restrict the extension very specifically (e.g. for a specific widget).

Specific BAdIs

For some objects of the framework very specific BAdIs are delivered.

Field extensions

Object data is read from business objects in most cases. In many cases, these can be easily extended with additional fields by simple structure extensions. New fields do not automatically appear in an AFW application. For widgets that use the so-called Custom View Engine (CVE, see below) for display, additional fields can be added without code extension. In other cases this is usually possible via corresponding BAdIs.

Custom View Engine (CVE)

The Custom View Engine decouples the content structure of widgets from the coding. This allows customization of the display with a visual editor - without programming.

Application controller

The implementation of custom application controllers allows the comprehensive modification of the entire application logic. However, application controllers are generally not primarily used for extensions.

Client specific objects

Applications can also be extended by custom objects. User interface extension is possible through custom widgets (and models). Additional object types can be extended by custom object handlers and business objects.

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