Integration into SAP standard objects

ProChangeDoc can be integrated as screen enhancement in standard SAP Objects (material master record, change master record, document info record). In the sections following the usage of ProChangeDoc in such enhancements is described.

ProChangeDoc dialog modules

ProChangeDoc provides different dialog modules, which can be integrated in SAP DMS.
The following dialog modules can be integrated (the frame is not part of the module; it can be defined differently or be missing at all):

Mini 1

Mini 2

Midi 1

Midi 2

Elements of the dialog modules






This text will appear instead of the push button, if according the settings for the current document in the current state ProChangeDoc is not active.
Text is selectable in the basic settings and may be different from the text shown on the left.


Depending on the authorizations, the settings and the current status of the change document, one of the following functions will be performed.

  • Creation of a change document.

  • Change of the original to a change document. (Function only available with SAP Gui)

  • Display of the original or the view format for the change document. (Function only available with SAP Gui)
    Icon and text can be adjusted in the settings and therefore be different from the text shown.


Push button indicates, whether a change document for a document exists. Red = no change document exists, green = change document exists.

Initiates an information dialog with information about the change document:

Document / Document type

Key, current status and description of the change document.



Display of document info record for the change document via SAP DMS standard transaction CV03N.


ProChangeDoc can be integrated as an extension of SAP-DVS in its transactions as an additional tab. For details on the dialog modules used, see ProChangeDoc Dialog Modules. The following is an example of how such an integration can look like, using the dialog module "Midi 1":


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