Lock Clone Operations
With function "Display / Exit” on the initial screen clone operations can be locked for further usages with ProMassOperations (see Initial Screen). The same function allows to reactivate the clone operation.
The processing of cloned BOMs can be locked via corresponding settings of the clone operation. However, this setting will be ignored and editing of BOMs will be allowed if a clone operation is locked, because then it will be considered as completed. (see document ProMassOperations, Customizing manual).
If it is set for the corresponding clone operation that BOMs created by the clone process are locked for editing, this setting is ignored if the clone operation is locked. In this case, processing of the generated BOMs is allowed because the clone operation is considered complete (see ProMassOperations document, Customizing manual).
Locked clone operations can be selected separately in the evaluation of the clone logs (see Clone Log). The following steps are used to lock a clone operation:
Start ProMassOperations transaction
Select mass operation
Select initial object
Press function key or Menu → Extras → Exit
In column "Status" the current status is listed „L" = Locked and „A" = Active.
Selection of the relevant clone operation
Depending whether an active or locked operation was selected, the action is confirmed:
In order to lock/unlock clone operations of other users,sufficient authorization is required. (see also MSC | ProMassOperations | Integration & Enhancement).
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