Adaption of the BPF Object List
The adaptation of the object list at runtime is a central function of ProProcess. Which objects can be added, removed or changed at which times depends on the setup of the process. The maintenance of the object list includes the addition and removal of objects but also the maintenance of additional data.
The editing of the object list is available to responsible persons and administrators and can also be made accessible to any users by defining a corresponding task and simultaneously controlled:
which objects may be added and removed
which additional fields may be displayed or edited.
Edit object list
Adding and removing objects from the object list can be done in several ways:
Manually using search helps
Using an object selection
By means of drag'n'drop
In the title bar, both the function for adding with search aids and the function for loading an object selection are available.
If newly added objects can be assigned to several so-called object groups, the corresponding group is queried after the addition, whereby the group with the highest priority is automatically preselected.-
If objects are added using drag'n'drop, they can be dragged to the empty area or to a specific group. If the latter is the case, the objects are assigned exactly to this group, if this is possible. For all objects that do not fit, the group is queried as described above or an error message is displayed if no assignment is possible.
An object that has already been added can also be moved to another suitable group using drag'n'drop. In addition, objects can also be selected and removed from the object list using the context menu.
Each group has its own status, which may prohibit adding or removing objects.
If object list adjustment is carried out as part of a specific task, not all groups and therefore possibly not all object types are available, depending on the settings.
Edit object list data
The object list optionally supports the entry and maintenance of additional data for the various objects stored in groups. The data is maintained in tabular form.Depending on the visualization, values can be maintained manually and with the help of search aids, using dropdowns or checkboxes.
Different fields are available depending on the object group. Fields that are not available for a particular group are not ready for input.
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