The following AFW widgets are relevant for ProMaterialData.
"Control Group Selection" Widget —
Within a ProFramework application the widget Control group selection can be available. In this widget ProMaterialData control groups for the actual material master record and the widget parameters will be provided and can be selected for execution. By executing them the corresponding material views are created or changed. See also MMS | ProMaterialData | User Manual.
"Display Change Documents" Widget —
The widget Display Change Documents displays the SAP change documents for the current object, grouped by table/area. Functionalities for filtering, sorting and searching are available.
"Easy Access Favorites" Widget —
Widget Easy Access favorites shows SAP Easy Access favorites.
Transactions can be started directly out of the widget.-
"Functions" Widget —
Widget Functions shows object functions as defined in the Customizing.
"Organizational Units" Widget —
Widget Organisational Units gives an overview of the organizational units based on the currently displayed objects and organisation unit.
Example: material master record, client view.
"Object Relations" —
Widget Object relation shows relations of the following objects:
Structure (BOM)
"Status Picker" Widget —
Widget Status shows the previous status, the current status as well as all possible subsequent status.
All subsequent status can be selected, the status change can be initiated via context menu function. Only if a status change is possible, the status will be an active link.
"Object Selection" Widget —
In Widget Object selection objects can be selected, displayed and saved in a list. Objects can be added
"Data" Widget (MMC / Form Display) —
This chapter describes widget Data based on form display. For widget displaying the data in a compact tree display please refer to chapter "Object data - Simple Data" Widget.
Widget Data displays all object data in a form. Depending on the object, basic data as well as classification data can be edited. Additional information is provided, e.g. for object "material":
"Navigation" Widget —
In widget Navigation the user can navigate between different objects and object types.