"Data" Widget (MMC / Form Display)
This chapter describes widget Data based on form display. For widget displaying the data in a compact tree display please refer to chapter "Object data - Simple Data" Widget.
Widget Data displays all object data in a form. Depending on the object, basic data as well as classification data can be edited. Additional information is provided, e.g. for object "material":
Process description, if included in a ProObjectLifecycle process
Information if material is temporarily blocked by another user, the material is locked or the material has a deletion indicator
Title Functions
The following functions are only available, if the current document state is suitable and authorization of user are sufficient.
Push Button | Description |
Create new object. | |
Edit object. | |
For materials: Create new material from a template. | |
| Only activated in the edit mode and if classification is supported. Via SAP standard class search dialogue, additional classes can be added to the object. |
| Only activated in the edit mode and if classification is supported. Classes assigned to an object can be selected in a dialogue and removed. For material: SAP standard class cannot be removed. |
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