"Object Selection" Widget

In Widget Object selection objects can be selected, displayed and saved in a list. Objects can be added

These selection lists can be

  • saved, loaded or deleted

  • kept personal or used also by other users

  • sent by SAP mail

  • built from files or MSC selection

Title Functions

Push Button


Push Button


Start search dialogue for currently selected object.


Opens submenu with various document functions.





Delete list

All objects will be deleted directly from the list without further confirmation. Afterwards the selection list will appear empty. This function only deletes the displayed section part (objects or folders).
This function does not delete saved selection lists.


Load selection

Depending on the last loaded selection and the changes, the options below will be provided. Depending on the chosen option one of the selections will be loaded.

  • Option Load last automatically saved selection…: The last automatically saved selection will be loaded unchanged.

  • Option Object selection <Name>: Opens last selection saven and currently changed selection.

  • Option Load selection…: The selection list to be loaded can be chosen from a list.

  • Option Get selection from file…: Allows loading a selection of objects, where the object keys are saved in a text files.

  • Option Import MSC material / document selection…: This option allows importing and displaying objects, which are saved in a MSC selection. Only available if MSC is installed.


Save selection

Depending on the last loaded selection and the changes made on it, following options will be provided:

  • Save the current selection, which will also be saved automatically when exiting ProFramework (only if changes have been made).

  • Overwrite the last loaded selection with the current selection (only if an own selection was loaded and changed).

Save to a selection which can be chosen or defined.


  • It is possible to save personal or general selection lists:

  • Personal selection lists can be loaded, updated or deleted by the originator.

  • General selection lists can be loaded by all users (except if no authority by authority group).

Selecting and changing is only possible for the originator.
A selection list is uniquely identified by its description and type.

A selection list can also be assigned to a laboratory/office or its use can be restricted by an authorization group. In order to set a certain authorization group special authorizations must be available, too.

  • Save selection in a file with internal format for later import.

  • Save selection in a file with external format (select separator etc.)


Delete selection

Opens the dialog for selecting a selection to be deleted. Only own lists can be deleted, except if special permissions are available.


Maintain selection types

Calls maintenance dialog for selection list types. Requires special authorization.

Create selection via file

If a selection list shall be generated using a text file, the content must follow the format as described below.

General Configuration

[<SAP Object type 1>]
<Object key 1>
<Object key 2>
<Object key n>
[<SAP Object type n>]

If no object type is defined ahead of the first object, the objects will be checked according to the current object of the ProNovia SAP DocumentManagementClient user interface.
The table lists all supported SAP object types. As a separator (</>) for keys with several parts, the following strings are allowed: „;" (semicolon), „/" or tab.


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