Overview Settings for MS Office Extension

Overview Settings for MS Office Extension

The filling of SAP data in Microsoft© Office Excel and Word documents is implemented by the complementary solution ProOffice. ProOffice supports two types of filling:

  • Filling using an AddIn

  • Direct filling of XML formats

In ProOffice versions before 4.0 the filling of the SAP data into the office documents was made using AddIns. Since version 4.0 of ProOffice the preferred method for filling the SAP data to office documents using the Office Open XML format (docx / xlsx) is by editing these documents directly. Following table lists the differences of the two methods:


With AddIn (old method)

Direct filling


With AddIn (old method)

Direct filling

AddIn Installation

Word and excel AddIn installation on each client required.

No word/excel AddIn required.

Filling of SAP data when editing

A local file with the data for filling the document properties is written each time the document is updated and the AddIn updates the data when opening the document.
When editing a file which is already checked out (out of SAP), the data will updated.

No file required, data is directly updated during check out process on SAP server.
No update when editing a file which is already checked out.

Filling of SAP data at status change

Depending on settings, filling of SAP data at status change is made locally by starting Microsoft® word or excel or using a SEAL conversion service.
The SEAL conversion service requires to install the AddIns on the SEAL server and the correct configuration of the service. Additionally a data file is required which must be checked in to the document info record.

Filling of SAP data at status change directly on SAP server.

Templates (ProNovia OBJ/SDF)

A template attached to a document info record will not be filled with the new data until editing / status change.

Filling of SAP data is directly made on SAP server when checking out the template.

Filling of old Microsoft® Office formats (doc/xls)


Not supported

The following table lists all supported forms for an automatic data assignment and the required settings.

Local - Automatic data assignment when starting the application

Local - Automatic data assignment when starting the application


Microsoft Word

Def. Function



Not required


Microsoft Excel

Def. Function



Not required

Local - Automatic data assignment when starting the application

Local - Automatic data assignment when starting the application


Microsoft Word

Def. Function



Not required


Microsoft Excel

Def. Function



Not required

Local - Automatic data assignment with an OLE call

Local - Automatic data assignment with an OLE call


Microsoft Word

Def. Function



Not required


Microsoft Excel

Def. Function



Not required

On a Plossys Server: Automatic data assignment during a conversion

On a Plossys Server: Automatic data assignment during a conversion


Microsoft Word

Def. Function



Must be registered


Microsoft Excel

Def. Function



Must be registered

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