Assignment of SAP DMS Application

Assignment of SAP DMS applications to workstation / PC applications. Also any form passwords can be defined here.
For all applications used in the ProNovia SAP DMS FrameWork also the suffix (file name extension) should be registered in the customizing of SAP DMS. Normally this is "doc" for Microsoft Word and "xls" for Microsoft Excel.


Depending on the PC application also passwords are supported by ProOffice. For Microsoft Word the form protection, for Microsoft Excel the sheet protection has been implemented. Note that for filling of Office Open XML documents without AddIn no passwort is required. See also document ProOffice User Manual.
Own implementations of PC applications may also use this password - a control file with keyword PASSWORD in section INFO will transfer it to the AddIn.

After going live with the relevant application, the password should not be changed anymore. Else all documents, which have a form protection with another (previous) password, can no longer be filled with data.

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