Activities Processing Scenarios
Definition of activities assigned to a processing scenario, which will then control the processing scenario's behavior. Processing scenarios will be triggered by a status change on the affected object.
Notes on "Dependent actions late":
Creating or starting a change:
When creating or starting a change, the rule applies that the leading object must always be handled first. This means that in the event of an error, the handling of the dependent objects can be repeated (see below).
To do this, activate the option 'Dependent actions "late"'.
This ensures that an object is never created or changed before the leading object has been handled accordingly.
In many cases, if an error occurs, the action on the objects can then be handled with "Repeat object dialog".
These "late" object handlings can be checked and handled using the CFM utility "Check/execute object handlings" in central product management (/PRONOVIA/CUST).
Check or release:
When you change the status for check or release, the dependent objects must always be given this status change first. Only when all of them have been set successfully can the status change be made on the leading object.
No special tools are required here. This must be guaranteed by correct object dependencies, which means that a status change on the leading object cannot be executed and therefore repeated,
See also "Object Relations" and Execution of actions/controls.
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