Missing updates of redundantly stored reference characteristic
The values of object characteristics (or persistent reference characteristics) do not match the object data fields.
SAP Note 2965267 (Keep redundantly stored object characteristic data synchronized with the main object) must be implemented.
SAP Note 2967500 (Keep material data of object characteristics synchronized with the classification table) must be implemented for the material.
Product support has been added with UTI V9.22.0, CFM 8.3.3, ADM V4.6.2.
The migration of the classification data must have been carried out for the SAP notes and product adjustments to work. The migration can be carried out with the program RNGC_XPRA_01_DATUB_KSSK.
The incorrect characteristics can be corrected using the ProNovia program /PRONOVIA/UPDATE_REF_CHAR_VAL.
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