Duplicate active content versions after checkin via API/conversion.

Duplicate active content versions after checkin via API/conversion.

After the checkin of originals via DMS-API blocks (e.g. after conversion or from CAD) it may happen that several content versions are active at the same time. Prerequisite for this is that the content versions are active and the note 2606171 (or the corresponding support package) is implemented in the system and the note 2761258 (or the corresponding support package) is not implemented in the system.

The reason is that the check-out flag is to be reset via KPRO_PHIO_CHECKOUT_USER_SET before the KPRO check-in. This sets the error flag if no check-outs exist, which ends up signaling error 29(253) "Error checking in and dropping <>" despite successful upload.

Implement the note 2761258.


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