Key Figures
The metrics are divided into two groups:
Count metrics
Time metrics.
Metrics are applied to different process elements.
Count Key Figures
Key Figure | Meaning |
∑- All | Sum instances of a specific process element |
∑- Completed | Sum instances of a specific process element with status “completed” |
∑- Cancelled | Sum instances of a specific process element with status “cancelled” |
∑- Overdued | Sum instances of a specific process element which are overdued. A processes element is overdued if all following conditions apply:
%-Completed | ∑- Completed / ∑- All |
%-Cancelled | ∑- Cancelled / ∑- All |
%-Overdued | ∑- Overdued / ∑- All |
Base Key Figures
Base numbers are calculated on the process element activity, which have no further child elements.
Key Figure | Meaning |
Runtime | The runtime describes the difference between the system-technical creation and the system-technical completion. The system-technical completion is the Completed or Cancelled time stamp, depending on the process element. The runtime is the sum of the processing time and the wait time. |
Edit Time | The processing time is the difference between Ready_on and the system-technical completion of the element. The processing time shows the time required to process an element. |
Waiting Time | The wait time is the time from the system-technical creation to the Ready_on timestamp. |
Overdue Time | The exceedance time is the time between the system-technical completion and the deadline. An exceedance time only exists if a deadline time exists. |
Aggregated Key Figures
Aggregated base numbers are calculated for process elements that have child nodes. Elements with child nodes are, for example, sub-processes and gateways.
Key Figure | Meaning |
Runtime | The runtime describes the difference from the system-technical creation to the system-technical completion. The system-technical completion is the Completed or Cancelled time stamp, depending on the process element. The runtime is the sum of the processing time and the waiting time. |
Edit Time | Sum of all processing times of the activities under the process element. |
Waiting Time | Sum of all waiting times of the activities under the process element. |
Overdue Time | Sum of all overrun times of the activities under the process element. |
Time Key Figures
Key Figure | Meaning |
Min. Runtime | Displays the entry with the smallest runtime of a process element. |
Max. Runtime | Displays the entry with the highest runtime of a process element. |
Ø Runtime | Display the arithmetic mean of all runtimes of a process element. |
Min. Edit Time | Display the minimum processing time of all processing times of a process element. |
Max. Edit Time | Display the highest processing time of all processing times of a process element. |
Ø Edit Time | Display the arithmetic mean of all processing times of a process element. |
Min. Waiting Time | Displays the entry with the smallest wait time of a process element. |
Max. Waiting Time | Displays the entry with the highest wait time of a process element. |
Ø Waiting Time | Display the arithmetic mean of all wait times of a process element. |
Min. Overtime | Display the minimum exceedance time of a process element. The minimum exceedance time is necessarily greater than 0. If there is no exceedance, this metric will not be displayed. |
Max. Overtime | Display the maximum delay time of a process element. The maximum delay time is necessarily greater than 0. If there is no delay, this metric will not be displayed. |
Ø Overtime | Display the arithmetic mean of all overdue times of a process element. |
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