Object handling - Log Display

After entering the selection criteria, the selection can be started via the Execute button (F8). The action log records found for the selection are listed in the log display.

The log is displayed in the standard SAP log display. Details on the general operation can be found in the online documentation via the Application help button.
The upper part of the display shows the header data for the actions that were triggered by an object.






Datum und Uhrzeit, wann der Satz eingefügt wurde und der Benutzer, welcher diese Aktion ausgelöst hat. Wird dieser Knoten aufgelöst, wird die Statistik der Detailaktionen angezeigt.


Anzahl der abhängigen Aktionen.

External Identifcation

Der Schlüssel des auslösenden Objekts.


Das CFM Bearbeitungsszenario der Anlage oder Änderung.

Objekt type

Der Konfigurationstyp (Material) oder Datenpakettyp (DP) des auslösenden Objekts.


Die interne eindeutige ID der Aktionen.


In the lower part, the details of all (if no header record is selected) or the selected record are displayed. In the above example, these are two actions, one successfully performed, the other not.

Two lines are output for each object on which an action is to be performed:

  • The object with the action to be performed.

  • The status or an error message

Possible Status

For the actions within the object relations, the following status are possible.

Action not yet processed or old.

Action was processed successfully.

Error: action could not be finished successfully.

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