Adding Customer Specific Data

Adding Customer Specific Data

To get customer specific data into a CVE Form the corresponding feeder needs to be enhanced or a new Feeder must be implemented. A couple of the Feeders include a simple technique for bringing customer specific fields from the main object table (e.g. MARA or DRAW) into the Form. The following sections describe for some standard feeders how to add existing customer specific fields.

Enhancing business object based views

First of all, the business object data structures must be enhanced. Most business objects have an external and an internal view on the Business Data. Due to this fact, it is required that both structures (DB and External) must be enhanced in the same way. Please refer to the corresponding OBJ Integration & Enhancement document for more Information.
Some Business Objects (MARA, MARC and MVKE) provide additionally to the MAIN data the so called EXT data (extended data). These structure consists of all fields relevant for the business object in case of display / edit, but not relevant for basic operations.

In case the business object provides an extended structure and the customer specific fields are only for display / edit, it is suggested to add them into the extended structure.


The corresponding SAP Standard tables are already enhanced with the customer specific fields which shall be added to the form.

Enhancing the business Object main data structures

If not already done, append a new customer specific structure to both structures (internal and external view) and add the field to both. Make sure that the field is in the same position and that you used the same data element in both structures.

If you plan to use the same names in the external view as the field is named in the database, it is suggested to use one single common include for both structures (normal and DB).

Generating Meta Data

The fields, which are provided by the CVE Feeders are stored in the database due to performance reasons. Therefore the meta data must be regenerated after the structure has been changed (e.g. fields or relations have been added or removed or the field definition has been changed). Run the transaction /PCH/CFW_METAGEN after all required fields are added to all objects.

Locating the new Elements

After the meta data generation has been finished, the new Elements are available. You can find the element below the corresponding feeder. E.g. if the Business Object MARA has been enhanced, you'll find the fields below the Feeder MARA. If the CVE form designer was already open before the new fields have been added, it may be required to reload the available CVE elements section. Normally CVE Feeder generate element names the following way: <OBJECT_TYPE>_<Fieldname used in the external view> (e.g. MARA_MATERIAL_NUMBER). The label has the suffix _LBL and, if available, the Description has the suffix _DESC.

Material (and Material Views)

For each material view, a separate business object and a separate feeder is implemented which supports the enhancement of the primary object data (data of the primary table). Currently the following views are supported:

  • MARA (client specific material master data)

  • MARC (plant specific material master data)

  • MVKE (sales & distribution channel specific material master data)

  • MARD (storage data per plant) - view only

  • MBEW (valuation data) - view only

  • MLGN (material data for warehouse storage number) - view only

  • MLGT (material data for warehouse storage type) - view only

List of relevant Business object structures

Business Object

external view

internal view

Business Object

external view

internal view























The Document form can be enhanced for all customer fields on the table DRAW. To achieve this, the structures /PCH/BO_DRAW_MAIN_DATA and /PCH/BO_DRAW_DB_MAIN_DATA must be enhanced as described above under “Enhancing business object based Views”. After generating the Metadata, the new CVE elements are available with the Prefix DRAW.

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