Object dependent actions - Log Display

After entering the selection criteria, the selection can be started with push button Execute (F8). All action log sets matching the criteria will be displayed in a list.

The log display is done with the standard SAP log display. Details on the general operation can be found in the online documentation via the Application help button.

The upper part of the display shows the header data for the actions that were triggered by an object.






Date and time when the set was added and the name of the user who triggered the action. The node can be exploded to display the statistic of the detail actions.


Number of dependent actions.

External Identification

Key of the triggering object.

From To

Both columns show the actual status change which triggered the action..


Unique internal ID of action.


In the lower part all details to all sets or the marked set will be displayed. In the example above, one action was executed successfully, the other action was ended with an error.

In the message text, the key of the target object, the action and the status are described in a text.

Possible Status

In the actions of object relations the following status are possible:


CFM actions from object relations will be executed immediately or after the triggering data has been posted. Sometimes, some actions with object relations are executed immediately, others need to be posted first.
This status indicated, the action has not yet been executed. This state may also occur, when the process has been cancelled.


The action was executed successfully.


The action could not be finished because of an error. The error was signalized to the user the moment it occurred.

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