BPF Process Reporting

There are basically two types of reports available:

  • With dynamic reporting, the selection is made in a separate widget. The following reporting options are currently available.

  • With static reporting, a result is displayed directly based on the settings for the widget and the statically defined reporting purpose.

The result of the reporting is identical for all evaluations and takes place at the level of processes. No subobjects (subprocesses, etc.) are displayed for the processes. Details of a process can be displayed by double-clicking.

Dynamic reporting

A selection widget is mandatory for dynamic reporting. The following predefined selection widgets are available:

  • Selection via editor

  • Selection via object

  • Selection via person responsible

In addition to the specific selection fields, you can select in each selection using the process status and the (over)due date.

The evaluation is started with the title bar function and the result is displayed in a separate widget.

Static reporting

Various static reporting are available that display a result directly and without separate selection:

  • Processes for which the current user is the initiator

  • Processes in which the current user is defined as the person responsible.

  • Processes that are in a predefined status (for example, to display all processes with errors).

  • Processes that belong to the currently displayed object

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