"Target Structure" Widget

In this tree widget, the target structure is displayed with the corresponding information and also edited if structure relationships change. Only the columns with ProStructure-specific contents are described below.
The actual editing of the target structure is described in the section in the chapter .


In the column Structure, the status of the element in relation to the reference structure is displayed using symbols.


Status Description


Status Description

Built-in (1:1 taken over)

The object is only contained in the target structure (information)

The object is only contained in the target structure (error)

Built in other assembly

The item has been split up

Same object installed, but not from transfer from reference structure

The object is installed, but there are differences in the underlying structures

Header Data

Only used if the object itself has a structure again, i.e. is a sub assembly. The column informs with symbols about data differences or locks related to this element.


Status Description


Status Description


No subordinate structure, no differences or all differences have been confirmed by the user

Unconfirmed differences in header details data

Data has been , is only displayed until the next upload


Assembly excluded from this relation ( manually / automatically by settings)


Structure editing locked by settings

Subordinate elements only in target structure, so the item is not an assembly in the reference.

Value set automatically from reference

Illegal data differences



Status Description


Status Description


No differences or all differences have been confirmed by the user

Unconfirmed differences in item detail data

Data has been maintained, is only displayed until the next upload

Value set automatically from reference

Illegal data differences

Structure relation

If an assembly is marked "Stop" (see above and ) and the corresponding assembly is contained in another active structure relation, this is displayed here. Double-click on this structure relation number to display it directly.

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