Automatic Expansion

If ProConfiguration loads a configuration for display, some of the nodes will be expanded automatically. This is controlled by the functions described below. This functions can be accessed using the title bar menu.

The nodes to open are identified by defined attributes and selection values to them:

  • Organizational unit:

    • Key of the organizational unit

  • Validity:

    • By an internal type of the validity, which is calculated depending on the date from/to:



Internal Type



Internal Type


Range which is valid "today".


All between actual and highest

All in the future except highest and declined.



The highest validity, but not declined.


All before actual

All validities in the past.



All declined changes.


  • Data package:

    • Data package type

    • Key of the organizational unit

  • Object in a data package

    • Object type

    • For BOM also the BOM usage

    • For routings also routing type and usage

Save current opened nodes

The attributes and values described above are determined by reading the currently opened nodes and saved for the automatic expansion.


The selection dialogue for direct editing the options is called. This are SAP standard select options.

Reset to default

Deletes any currently saved setting and until newly set, the default settings will be used (see below).

Setting for the automatic expansion can also be set by an administrator. If the function "Reset to default" is used, also such settings will be deleted.

Default setting

If nothing else is defined (also no pre set by an administrator), then following nodes will be expanded by default:

  • All organizational units

  • The actual and the highest validity

  • All data packages

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